Catching up with Enrique on tour
Dave: Hello Enrique! The last time I interviewed you in Toronto, you were telling me about your songwriting process – how you like to write at night. How has your songwriting process evolved since you started your career?
Enrique Iglesias: The process has pretty much stayed the same. I usually get to the studio in the evening, and stay sometimes through the entire night, not leaving until it’s light outside. Some things never change I guess. haha
D: How do you know when a song’s ‘hook’ is going to connect with fans?
E: I just get that feeling. It feels right.
D: Tell us how you wrote “Finally Found You.”
E: Sammy Adams actually came to me with the song and I fell in love. We immediately then went in the studio and finished writing it.
D: What’s the secret to a great collaboration on a song? How do you choose who to work with?
E: I don’t think there’s any secret, you just have to do what feels right. My process in choosing who I work with is first I write the song. When it’s done, or almost done, I then start to think who would make this song complete or really add something cool to it.
D: What is the most surprising place in the world where you discovered you have a ton of fans? What was it like playing or visiting there?
E: I just toured in India. I can’t believe how many fans are over there! I haven’t been there in 8 years before this trip, but I definitely won’t wait that long again.
D: You have over 3 million Twitter followers. What kind of tweet do your fans respond to most?
E: I get a lot of feedback when I post photos, so I’ve been trying to do that a lot more.
D: Describe a typical day when you are on tour? What is your day like?
E: On show days, I just rest. And then on travel days I simply travel and go straight to hotel. Touring is so exhausting that I don’t get to do or see much. The show is what’s most important to me and I wouldn’t want to lose my voice or get sick and let my fans down.
D: What is the secret to making a good entrance to a club?
E: For my leisure, I prefer to remain unnoticed. So to be honest, I’ve never been known to make a big entrance to a club: I usually just try to sneak in unnoticed!
D: What’s the best club to play in the world?
E: There are so many I can’t pick just one since they are all so different. Madison Square Garden is amazing because of its history. And Radio City Music Hall is beautiful. I have a long list of venues I love to perform at, and when setting up a tour I am very careful with the venues I choose.