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How about a career as Burberry Beauty’s National Trainer?

One of the most popular features on my site is my ‘careers in beauty’ series. I’m exploring the many different job opportunities in the beauty and fragrance industry. Most of these jobs aren’t readily promoted so it isn’t easy to research them. I wish I had know these jobs existed when I first started out.

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Burberry Fall Look 2016

This week, I speak with Patricia Bensimon, Burberry Beauty’s National Training Director and Makeup Artist in Canada. She’s very well respected in this country for her expertise and passion for the industry. Here’s a sneak peek into her fascinating career along with some advice on how to follow in her footsteps.

Patricial Bensimon, national training director for Burberry Beauty, Canada

Patricia Bensimon, National Training Director & Makeup Artist, Burberry Beauty Canada

Dave: To start, tell us about your job as a national training director for Burberry Beauty? What does that entail?

Patricia Bensimon: In terms of my responsibilities as a National Training Director, I have to make sure that the regional trainers are properly educated to transmit all the information concerning the brand. First and foremost, I get to know the product I represent and I try every single one. (That is a dream for every beauty enthusiast.) Since Burberry Beauty is based in London, I make sure all the training communications from the brand are adapted to our market in both languages. I need to make sure that I can clearly explain all the benefits and technology behind every single product.

burberry fall look 2016

Passion is the essence of a National Training Director! You have to truly love the topic and brands you represent. I’ve also learned that flexibility as well as openness is crucial to succeeding. Retail and cosmetics are changing so rapidly these days that you have to be flexible. What I love most is the opportunity to meet the most interesting people in Canada as well as in Europe and to share that passion with them.



burberry fall look 2016Dave: Tell us about your career path. How did you get to this position?

Patricia: I started working behind the counter and I believe that my strength was communication. Very early on I was coached by a fabulous mentor who saw in me the capacity to transmit my passion and my communications skills. I’ve never stopped communicating ever since! I do think it is very important to get some experience working at a beauty counter, even if it is part-time work. You get first-hand experience on how clients react to products. And do try to find a mentor in the industry. Find someone you admire and who might share advice with you.

burberry backstage beauty

Dave: What do you look for when you are hiring trainers today? What skills and approach are you looking for?

Patricia: Passion, Passion, Passion! I look for good communication skills and flexibility.

Being able to transmit that passion, the brand’s values as well as transparency to every person you speak to is key.


burberry compactDave: What kind of education or background do you need to become a beauty trainer?

Patricia: First, it is important to have a background in communications. This is a good area of study at college or university. I recommend learning esthetics, makeup artistry and perfumery.


Dave: Describe a typical work day.

Patricia: Each day is very unique and full of surprises when you are a National Training Director! It usually starts very early, responding to emails and preparing the training agenda (booking hotels and catering for the training guests), developing training modules and participating in marketing and public relations initiatives. I’ll also hop on a plane for major store openings or participating in national training seminars. I’ve learned it is also very important to work in the stores and participate in major events. It is essential I meet our customers. I never forget that they are the essence of what we do!


burberry beauty backstageDave: Tell us what it is like traveling to New York or London for meetings.

Patricia: This is very, very exciting as well as exhausting but so rewarding. It gives us the opportunity to share our experiences and to discover that we all have the same challenges. I get to attend meetings to see new collections and products up to a year in advance. It’s beyond exciting to see all the wonderful new products before anyone else. It’s also wonderful to hear the creators behind the products, campaigns and design tell the stories behind the launches.

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Dave: what advice would you give anyone wanting to pursue a career in beauty? There are so many young beauty enthusiasts who would love to work in the industry.

Patricia: Don’t give up! You can have a wonderful career in beauty. Knowledge and communication are the key to your success. Get as much experience as you can in different areas of the beauty industry and be persistent! You can even volunteer to get some experience. Never give up on your dreams!




  • Reply
    November 16, 2016 at 6:15 pm

    If Patricia Bensimon, ever needs an assistant I’m in……….National Training Director & Makeup Artist, Burberry Beauty Canada
    Great article Dave

  • Reply
    Jackie M
    November 15, 2016 at 9:15 pm

    Great advice! Thanks for the article, Dave!

  • Reply
    November 14, 2016 at 3:09 pm

    love your articles

  • Reply
    Regina cocco
    November 14, 2016 at 7:43 am

    Great interview!

  • Reply
    November 11, 2016 at 6:56 am

    Great interview !!!

  • Reply
    Gail Siemko
    November 10, 2016 at 4:50 pm

    Great Article on what it entails to pursue a Career in Beauty! It’s truly amazing at what you need to do in preparation in all respects, education, on the job training, lots of Motivation. Above all you should want to wake up every morning and jump out of bed, thinking you have the greatest Opportunity, not a job, because when you are doing something you enjoy so much,it’s not labourious. As usual @DaveLackie thank you for sharing.


  • Reply
    Tiarne Peacock
    November 9, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    Such a good read! Wow, so inspiring.
    Just goes to show that you can do anything you put your heart to, just don’t stop trying!

  • Reply
    November 9, 2016 at 12:45 pm

    what a fascinating career! loved learning about it


  • Reply
    September Dee
    November 9, 2016 at 11:27 am

    This is a wonderful interview and inspiring for those wanting a career in beauty.

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