Dear Twitter beauty friends:
It’s been 20 months since I sent my first tweet. And I can honestly say that Twitter has changed my life. I remember sitting with my good friend Heather who I fondly call “The Twitter Tutor” and having to ask again and again to explain how this really works. (I’m not the most technically inclined). I wish I could say that I was an early adopter and embraced the social media platform, but the truth is, I fought it kicking and screaming. I think it took me three months to understand what “Retweet” meant. But the publishing industry was changing and I needed to find a new audience for the digital magazine I edit called BEAUTY the guide. A friend told me that Twitter was the best way to connect with like-minded beauty enthusiasts.
So I started tweeting about beauty launches, Cityline appearances and celebs I was interviewing. I actually didn’t start the luxe beauty contests for several months. I was thrilled that when I clicked “post” that a message went up. Slowly but surely, I started to figure out how this all works.
I remember the exact moment when everything changed for me on Twitter. I was sitting in my kitchen responding to some tweets when I got a message. “Thank you for giving me my wife back.” I gasped. A husband sent me a message about how he had married three years ago and shortly after the wedding his wife was diagnosed with serious illness. He said she slowly gave up on life – spending much of her time in bed. One day she somehow spotted my contests and entered. Soon, she was checking in every day and making the odd comment. Then something wonderful happened: she won. After receiving her prize she launched her own beauty blog and has found a passion for beauty she didn’t know she had.
There have been so many stories like this one. So many incredible women fighting cancer. So many struggling with illnesses. But all sharing a love of beauty. I am so grateful that I met Nina Westbury on Twitter. She’s a pro makeup artist from the UK who relocated to Victoria, BC. She is the Bridget Jones of beauty. She won an early Dior contest and emailed me her wrong address. Then another wrong address. I remember thinking how does this woman get her kids to school in the morning. Turns out, she does rather well. She brings such knowledge and fun to beauty. And her tweets are hilarious.
I’ve made so many friendships on Twitter in the past year. I love that beauty unites people regardless of language or culture. Women around the world get as excited as Nina and I with a new Dior beauty collection or a YSL compact. I’m so grateful to have met each of you.
As the New Year starts, I want to take this opportunity to wish all our beauty friends on Twitter the very best. May 2015 be your best year ever! A big round of applause to the following incredible people:
Nina, Heather, Diane, Ali, Crystal, Tracy, Dana, Meena, Super Kim, Raziah, Monique, Agnese, Jackie, Camilla, Erika, Jessica, Elizabeth, Holly, Cookie, Daniel, Samantha, Liz, Sandra, Gezele, Theresa, Louisa, Jessica, Victoria, Pattie, Christine, Amber, Michelle, Blockhead, Lynette, Barb, Donna, Elaine, Alayne, Andrew, Alex, Alicia, Amanda, Amy, Ana, Lady Sheerie, Alison, Andrea, Angelita, Laurie, Angie, Anna, Anni, Anouska, Ashleigh, Asiaree, Atifa, Jenny, Barbara, Becky, Belinda, Bethany, Billie, Bobbi-lynn, Branka, Cara, Cari, Carol, Carrie, Cathy, Chantal, Charlene, Charley, Cheryl, Chloe, Cindy, CJ, John, Claire, Clarissa, Clemence, Colleen, Corissa, Courtney, David, Dawn, Lori, Daxini, Dayanna, Deb, Debra, Dee, Denise, Diana, Dollie, Eleftheria, Eleni, Elesa, Elizabeth, Ellie, Emily, Emma, Enza, Erika, Erin, Eve, Fiona, Florenza, Gabriela, Gemma, Gillian, Gilly, Gina, Ashley, Hannah, Heather, Helen, Isabelle, Jade, Louann, Roseanne, Marilyn, Jan, Jana, Jane, Janet, Janice, Jason, Jennifer, Jess, Jet, Jill, Jilly, Joanne, Jodi, Joelle, Jordyn, Julia, Julie, Juliana, Kaitlyn, Karen, Karla, Kate, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathy, Katie, Kayleigh, Kelly, Kerri, Kerry, Meenal, Kim, Kinia, Kimberley, Kirsty, Kristina, Lady M, Lara, Laura, Lauren, Laurie, Lauryn, Leah, Leanne, Liana, Linda, Lisa, Lise, Liz, Lori, Louisa, Luchessa, Valerie, Lucie, Lynette, Lynn, Maggie, Manon, Margaret, Maria, Marie, Marietta, Mariola, Marissa, Marlene, Martina, Mary, Matthew, Meaghan, Linda, Meisha, Melissa, Michelle, Miranda, Margarete, Molly, Tania, Monique, Monica, Morgan, Joanne, Vanessa, Muriel, Myrte, Nadine, Nancy, Natalie, Natasha, Nathalie, Nicole, Niina, Niki, Olivia, Pallavi, Pamela, Parisa, Pam, Coleen, Pat, Jordyn, Patricia, Paula, Paulina, Petra, Porcelina, Raphael, Amber, Reema, Renee, Rebekah, Lorraine, Ricky, Roberta, Robyn, Roisin, Roni, Rosa, Rose, Ruby, Ryan, Saachi, Sally, Samantha Sandie, Sandy, Sara, Sarah, Saribel, Sascha, Scott, Shannon, Shelby, Sheila, Shellina, Sheri, Shweta, Simone, Sirine, Smaranda, Soos, Sophia, Sophie, Stacey, Stefy, Stephanie, Susan, Sylwia, Tal, Tammy, Tamara, Tania, Tara, Taryn, Taylor, Telma, Teresa, Terry, Tess, Tina, Tori, Tova, Ruth, Tricia, Trudee, Valerie, Vanessa, Velma, Janine, Verushka, Vicki, Victoria, Vinessa, Gail, Wendy, Estella, Xristina, Yasmine, Zina, Zoe, Wendy, Zohra, Cindy, Chelsea, Kaitlyn, Chandra, Jessica, Amy, Reema, Stephanie, Linda, Aanchal, Brandy, Dajana, Donna, Paula….and many others.
Best wishes
Lisa @ Fab Frugal Mama
January 5, 2015 at 2:50 pmI cannot tell you how happy I am that you are not only *on* Twitter, but that you’re *killing it*! Your wonderful personality always shines through, and that’s why people love you. Keep up the good work, my friend. Wishing you much (more) success and happiness in 2015!
January 3, 2015 at 2:51 pmSuch a heartfelt sentiment for the New Year, Dave! I also enjoyed reading many of the comments from your many readers, which are a testament to your excellent qualities. You are truly one of a kind! I too derive much benefit and enjoyment from reading yours and Nina’s advice and of course I am a fan of Beauty Products and the Fashion World. Many of your articles give us a glimpse into a world which we can only imagine.
Wishing you all the Best for 2015! You are truly an amazing person! Thank You!
Dave Lackie
January 3, 2015 at 9:32 pmThat is such a nice note Roberta. I’m so touched by all the notes and comments. I’ve honestly met such amazing people on twitter. It’s such a pleasure to give away as many of my favourite brands as I can. Wishing you a wonderful 2015!! All the best!! D
Teresa Salvatore
January 2, 2015 at 10:30 amYou are truly amazing, Dave! That one person can make such a profound difference in the lives of so many is an incredible achievement. And to think you brought us all together with cosmetics and Twitter! You inspire and delight us with your generosity, your passionate spirit and your obvious love of life. I’m am sincerely honoured to know you. Thank you for the gift of your friendship. I hope the New Year brings you continued success, happiness and joy! Cheers to another great year ahead! <3
Dave Lackie
January 2, 2015 at 4:53 pmThat is such a beautiful note Teresa. I so appreciate it. I’ve met so many really lovely people on twitter. I really consider myself so lucky. Wishing you a wonderful 2015. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!! xo
alison campbell
January 2, 2015 at 8:10 amAww Dave
You are well and truly loved,there’s not much more I can say that hasn’t been said here!
Lots of love xx
Dave Lackie
January 2, 2015 at 4:53 pmYou have the biggest heart Ali! We are so happy to have met you and Scott. Big hug to you! xo
Patricia B
January 2, 2015 at 4:06 amWhat a wonderful post Dave! I am sure you have touched the lives of so many of us in such a good way, before I landed on your page I was undergoing a deep depression, I’ve been always a fashion, makeup and luxury products enthusiast, as a matter of fact it was my line of work for many years, but I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which is a very painful and debilitating syndrome that no one seems to know enough about, needless to say that the pain can be overwhelming, and therefore that causes depression, so I became uninterested in a lot of things that were part of my life due to the pain and not knowing how to be the person I used to be, and one day I saw your post, then another and I really got into your articles, reviews, tips and comments then I started entering sweepstakes and I realized I was more and more motivated, and willing to play around with my make-up and try new things, and enjoy my perfumes again the way that I used to, it is great to feel beautiful again, I always look forward to your reviews, tips, and comments, thank you Dave & Nina for all that you do by encouraging us ladies to keep a positive attitude, help us choose the right products and try new looks, and simply enjoy being beautiful and looking our best! All the best in this new year 2015 to both of you! Oh and your sweepstakes are absolutely the best! 🙂
Dave Lackie
January 2, 2015 at 7:23 amThat is the most wonderful note Patricia. I do know about fibromyalgia and how crippling it can be. A good friend of mine has it. I’m so happy that you have rediscovered makeup and fragrance through the posts and site. I love to hear that. Wishing you a wonderful 2015 and lots more tweets and chats!! All the best!!
January 1, 2015 at 11:00 pmI appreciate you (and Nina)! Happy New Year!
Diane K.
January 1, 2015 at 10:59 pmDave, When I read your note, I started to cry. Although I don’t have cancer, I can totally relate to the woman who does who got her spirit and will to live back due to you, Nina and your twitter page. You know my story. It’s funny because I don’t know if you remember, I started following you basically when you first started your twitter page. And aside from reposting contests, I’ve never tweeted before either. It took me a while to get the hang of it and I quickly learned that through sharing on your site, I was getting to know so many wonderful people. Instead of sleeping all day in bed, I jump out of bed in the morning and the first page I go to is your twitter page to say good morning. You wake up as early as I do.
Your page grew so quickly and not because of all the wonderful prizes you give out, although it might have started that way, but it was the love in your heart which could be felt jumping out from your tweets. I know I felt it immediately.
The story about Nina is hysterical. It’s so Nina. I do believe Nina and I are siamese twins separated at birth because we share a very special kookiness.
It’s amazing to me that you met her on your twitter site because you both look like either siblings or a married couple, and you have such a special bond with each other. You compliment each other which makes your twitter site a comedy routine, like an “I love Lucy” episode, almost daily. It certainly appears to me that you’ve known each other forever.
I believe in G-D and I believe G-D puts people in our lives for a reason. Just like the story you first told of the woman with cancer, I believe there are plenty of other people, both men and women, on your twitter page, who have similar issues, who you’ve helped immensely but who have not shared their story with you.
I believe you and Nina are Angels, a gift from G-D, and I say a prayer every day thanking him for bringing you and Nina into my life. You’ve given me the will to live, to get well and to complete the important work I was destined to do. I’m not sure I’d still be here if not for you.
I love you and Nina with all my heart and soul. It’s nice to win prizes but you’ve given me so much more than Dior and Shiseido. You’ve brought me back to life. You saved me. I will always be eternally grateful for that.
You and Nina will always hold a special place in my heart and I look forward to getting to know both of you better with each passing day.
G-D Bless you.
All my love,
Diane K.
Dave Lackie
January 2, 2015 at 7:25 amThat is the most beautiful message Diane. Nina and I adore you. We love your wonderful sense of humour and always love seeing your tweets and messages. Yes, I think you and Nina are secretly twins. Just think of all the trouble you’d get up to if she lived in New York. I’d be bailing you out all the time. Here’s to a wonderful 2015 with lots more laughs and fun times. Big hug to you!! xo
January 1, 2015 at 8:06 pmDave, you are such an amazing and gracious person. I’m so glad to have first met you back in 2013 at that Bay Beauty event. I think you were pretty new to Twitter back then.
Watching you grow a base on Twitter and establish your personal brand has been a joy. When I talk to people about social media branding, I hold you up as an example of someone who has all the pieces right.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, time and “you” with all of us. Our lives are better for it.
I wish you the best 2015 that you could imagine!
Dave Lackie
January 2, 2015 at 7:44 amSo thrilled to have met you Colleen. I laugh as I still don’t know all the technical aspects of twitter. Hashtags and links?? My friends keep trying to show me. I can tweet, respond and post contests. So I’m doing okay. Wishing you a wonderful 2015! Hope to see you again soon.
Doris Calvert
January 1, 2015 at 5:08 pmWhat a beautiful post and to know you have touched people’s lives, you don’t even know how many more, a lot of us have health issues or are in an abusive circumstance and never mention it, just know you do make a difference and beauty is something we all strive for, to look our best! Thank you for all your amazing giveaways and all the best in 2015!
Dave Lackie
January 2, 2015 at 7:43 amThanks for the note Doris. What I’ve learned on twitter is the people that look like they have perfect lives are often the ones that need a beauty prize the most. They sometimes have real health or life issues. So thrilled that a little beauty prize can make such a difference!! Best wishes for 2015
Jane Lethbridge
January 1, 2015 at 3:24 pmHi Dave
Just read your note above and feel really moved by it. You really are very very generous and it is always a pleasure to take a look at your website.
I haven’t won anything yet but it is great just looking at the beautiful items you offer on a regular basis to us followers and anyway – it is not the winning as the saying goes – I just enjoy taking part!
I don’t have cancer but i do have a very debilitating illness so tend to need lots of rest, time which I usually spend on my laptop dreaming about all those lovely looks and products.
Thanks again Dave, you are a true gent – I wish you a very happy and successful New Year
Dave Lackie
January 2, 2015 at 7:42 amThanks for the beautiful message Jane. I so appreciate it. Sorry to hear about your health. So happy you can dream about fun beauty looks with us. Wishing you a wonderful 2015!!
Karen M.
January 1, 2015 at 2:12 pmDave, you, are the man! The man who gives unconditionally to twitter fans everywhere. The man who brings joy and inspiration to us all. You remind us that inner beauty can be found within everybody. Proud to call you my twitter friend. Best wishes for continued success in 2015!
Dave Lackie
January 2, 2015 at 7:40 amThanks so much Karen. Here’s to more twitter beauty fun in 2015